We were successful earlier on in the year to get funding, for the Tendring area, from the east of England co-op community cares fund. The funding allowed us to pay for an art space to meet and lots of art goodies for the families attending the group. This meant that we have been able to offer the sessions completely FREE to our families. So far, we have been personalising the front covers of our art journals to make them unique to each of us. Next month we are having a go at mixed media self-portraits!
Our next Craft & Natter group is meeting up on Tuesday 2oth September. If you would like to give our session a try, then get in touch, as we have a few spaces available.
Take a look at what our carers have been up doing in our Craft & Natter groups.
We are really keen to host meetings in other areas in Essex too, if you would like us to do something in your town or village please get in touch, if you know of any suitable venues that would be really helpful too. Email: info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call: 01255 554029 or text: 07360690839