We were delighted to host the first of our monthly craft and natter group last week in Manningtree at the Acorn Village craft centre. The group has been made possible through a grant from the East of England co-op’s community cares fund, which means the group can run at no cost to our families and we are able to provide everyone with their own kit to take away with them so that they can carry on creating between groups.
At our first session using paint, stencils, and stamps everyone created their individual covers for their art journals which in the coming months we will use in a variety of ways to explore different ways to express ourselves through art and mixed media materials.
It was lovely to meet new people and have the chance to chat while creating. We do have room for a few more people to join us. If you care for a family member with a learning disability and or autism and would like to join our craft and natter group in Manningtree get in touch by email: info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call us 01255 554029 or text on 07876 025480. We will be meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, you do need to book your place with us.
If you can’t make it to our Manningtree group but would be interested in coming along to a craft and natter group in your area please do get in touch as we would love to do more of this in other parts of Essex if we can get funding to do so.

We are really keen to host meetings in other areas in Essex too, if you would like us to do something in your town or village please get in touch, if you know of any suitable venues that would be really helpful too. Email: info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call: 01255 554029 or text: 07360690839