Have you signed up for our FREE membership? If you haven’t signed up yet, use the links below. Becoming a member ensures you are kept up to date, and will be informed first of new events, webinars and so much more.
Our next Craft & Natter Group is on Tuesday 20th of June 2023 from 6.30 pm – 9 pm.
Our craft group is currently full, however if you would like to join us, we can add you to the waiting list. Email us your contact details. (Booking is essential)
We are really keen to host meetings in other areas in Essex too, if you would like us to do something in your town or village please get in touch, if you know of any suitable venues that would be really helpful too. Email: info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call: 01255 554029 or text: 07360690839

This month we have the social workers present to discuss with you their role as an adult social worker, what the team does, how they work with our families, and what to expect in a review.
They will also be there to hear any questions from our families. If you are attending, could you let us know using the form below, so we can ensure we have enough refreshments and have enough space for families attending.
We look forward to seeing you at our next Space to Gather in Colchester on Tuesday 27th June 2023 from 6.45 pm to 9 pm.
Future dates:

Join us on Wednesday 28th June 2023 from 10 am to 12 pm for a ‘Virtual’ Space to Gather. This event will be online, via zoom. Grab your cuppa, maybe a few biccies, and join us from the comfort of your home, office, car, or wherever is convenient for you.
This meeting will have members of the South social worker team. (we are working on getting in person meetings in the south of the county so please bear with us). They will be discussing their role as an adult social worker, what the team does, how they work with our families, and what to expect in a review.
They will also be there to hear any questions from our families.
Meeting ID: 694 448 8207
Passcode: ECN1
Future dates:

In July we will be in the West of Essex for a special ‘Space to Gather’ where the social worker team in the West will be attending.
They will discuss with you their role as an adult social worker, what the team does, how they work with our families, and what to expect in a review.
They will also be there to hear any questions from our families. If you are attending, could you let us know using the form below, so we can ensure we have enough refreshments and have enough space for families attending.
On Wednesday 12th July 10.30am-12noon – at ECL Saffron Walden hub, 39 Audley Rd, Saffron Walden CB11 3HD.
Future dates for the West are:
Wednesday 13th September at ECL Harlow Day Centre,Pyenest Road,Harlow,Essex. CM19 4LU
Wednesday 15th November at ECL Harlow Day Centre, Pyenest Road,Harlow,Essex. CM19 4LU