At the end of July 2022 the latest LeDeR report was published.

The annual LeDeR report gives the statistics and findings from NHS reviews following the deaths of people with a learning disability.

You can read the LeDeR report hereYou can read the easy read version here
This year’s LeDeR report showed that people with learning disabilities are dying on average 22 years younger than in the general population.And that of those who died, 49% died an ‘avoidable’ death. This compared to 22% in the general population.

An avoidable death is where someone could have lived longer if they had got better care and treatment.

Learning Disability England put out a news statement at the end of July.You can read that here
Rep Body members Ivan Olbrechts has been talking to Gary about the LeDeR findings.Ivan is part of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

Watch the video here

One of the areas that the Representative Body is particularly concerned about is Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) notices.
The LeDeR report said that  of the 63% of people who had DNACPRs notices in place, reviewers judged that this was clearly followed appropriately in only 40% of cases.
Learning Disability England members and partners did a lot of work about DNAR during the early part of the Covid pandemic.And Learning Disability England made a toolkit with Turning Point.

You can see the toolkit here

Now the Rep Body want to check with members what your experiences are with DNAR at the moment.
They want to see if your experiences are similar to what the LeDeR report found.Or if you are seeing something different.


They have made a short survey so you can tell them about your experiences.

Fill in the survey here

The responses from this survey are really important.

They will tell us about your experiences, what should change and what steps need to be taken to make that happen.

(This information has been taken from Learn Disability England. Uploaded on 08/09/2022)