Families As Carers

A family carer is someone who, without payment, provides help and support to a partner, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage otherwise. This page offers information about support available from organisations to help families continue in their caring role for as long as they wish to. Information for young carers is also highlighted in this section.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for in this section, please contact us by email info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk and we will try to help.

looking after someone

Looking After Someone guide

Carers UK have produced an updated guide for anyone who is looking after someone. It offers information about your rights and support available when you have caring responsibilities.

Essex Carers Support

“We are a registered charity dedicating to helping unpaid carers get the best from life.”

Our friends at Essex Carers Support can help with many different things including a Time 4 You grant that has helped many families in Essex have some respite from their caring role.

Carers First

Carers First Essex are the commisioned carers service in Essex.
“If you’re an unpaid carer, aged 18 and over, supporting someone in Essex, we’re here to help with online help and advice, as well as practical and emotional support. Remember, you don’t have to wait until crisis point before asking for help – the earlier you ask, the bigger difference it can make. “
city of chelm mencap

City of Chelmsford Mencap - Carers Connect

Carers Connect is a monthly information and advice group for unpaid carers in Chelmsford. See the website for information on the latest meeting.

action for family carers

Action for Family Carers - Essex

“Making a Positive Difference to the lives of Carers and Young Carers in Essex.”

Action for Family Carers is an Essex charity which, for 30 years, has been providing information and support for Carers who have unpaid caring responsibilities for others.

Their website explains that they provide information, advice, befriending, employment, counselling, activity groups and respite day care across the county. They also work with Young Carers and professionals in schools.


side by side - peer support

Families In Focus - Peer Support Program

Side by Side, a peer support program, is a new service for Essex based families who care for, or support, a family member (over the age of 16) with a Learning Disability or Autism.

If you are either looking for some peer support, or feel you are in a position to offer some informal advice to other families in need on a voluntary basis, please contact the Peer Support Service Manager, Matt Hume on 07749 706639 or matt@fifessex.org.uk