Health - Hospitals

Information about the hospitals in Essex and how they support people with a learning disability and their families.

Here you will also find a downloadable copy of the NHS Hospital Passport.

NHS Hospital passport

NHS - Hospital Passport

The NHS have a template for a Hospital Passport. Their advice is to have a copy with you on any visit to hospital to help inform staff of your needs.

Each Essex trust also have their own hospital passports which can be found on their websites.

east suffolk and north essex nhs trust

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Trust - Hospitals

Details and links to hospitals in the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Trust.

Information about the Learning Disability & Autism Acute Nurse specialist can also be found along with templates of their hospital passports.

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust - Hospital Passport

Information from the East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust about Support from Acute Nurse Specialists and Hospital Passports

mid and south essex nhs trust

Mid and South Essex NHS Trust - Hospitals

Details and links to hospitals in the Mid and South Essex NHS Trust area.

Information about the Learning Disability & Autism can also be found along with templates of their hospital passports by following this link Learning disabilities and autism support (

NHS mid and southessex - hosp passport

Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust - Hospital Passport

Information from the East Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust about Support from Acute Nurse Specialists/Liaison Nurses and Hospital Passports

Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is located in West Essex.

Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The Pricess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - Learning Disability Team

Information from the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Foundation Trust about their Learning disability team who support people with learning disability and/or autism while in hospital.


Mid and West Essex Learning Disability Service

The Essex Learning Disability Partnership (ELDP) is a partnership between Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT). The partnership was formed in 2017 and is responsible for all NHS learning disability community and inpatient services across Essex. Importantly, people who use our services and their families and carers were able to contribute to the development of the Partnership at the outset.

North Essex Learning Disability Service

The Essex Learning Disability Partnership (ELDP) is a partnership between Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT). The partnership was formed in 2017 and is responsible for all NHS learning disability community and inpatient services across Essex. Importantly, people who use our services and their families and carers were able to contribute to the development of the Partnership at the outset.

South Essex Learning Disability Service

The Essex Learning Disability Partnership (ELDP) is a partnership between Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT). The partnership was formed in 2017 and is responsible for all NHS learning disability community and inpatient services across Essex. Importantly, people who use our services and their families and carers were able to contribute to the development of the Partnership at the outset.


NHS - Going into Hospital

The NHS has a website page with information and guidance about going into hospital for people with a learning disability.

Mencap Logo

Mencap - Hospital passport information

A hospital passport tells the hospital about your healthcare, your learning disability, how you like to communicate and how to make things easier for you.  This editable hospital passport was produced by Mencap.


STOMP - Stopping the over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both

STOMP is a project in England to stop
the over use of psychotropic medicines.


NHS - Personal Health Budgets

A personal health budget is an amount of NHS money that is allocated to support your health and wellbeing needs. If you’re eligible for it, you (or someone who represents you), will work with your local NHS team to plan how you spend the money and get the care you need.