Families have told us they don’t know what all the possibilities are when it comes to their family member with a learning disability moving out of the family home.
This online event will give you the chance to hear about the various options available in Essex and hear from some families who are using some of these options.
This event will benefit:
- Families who are starting to consider where their loved one will live in the future.
- Families who are supporting their family member to make those decisions themselves.
- Families who are exploring the options now.
- Families who think their family member might not be in the right place now, who want to know what else is available.
- Workers who support families and would like to grow their knowledge of what the housing options are in Essex.
What will the day look like:
In the morning (9.45am-12noon) you will enjoy a whistle stop tour of the various options interspersed with snippets from families talking about what has worked for them.
In the afternoon (1pm -3.50pm) you will be able to choose 2 from the following four options:
- Lets start from the very beginning – Christine, from Together Matters, will give you ideas to think ahead for the time when your relative may move home. Doing some general planning and information gathering will help them, and all of you as a family, to feel more prepared when thinking about places to live.She will also suggest ways to begin conversations with your relative to find out what would be important to them when choosing a place to live.You will hear about what’s in the planning guides she has developed called ‘Thinking Ahead: a planning guide for families’, ‘I’m Thinking Ahead’ and ‘Shaping My Future’. They have all given information, structure and tools to families when thinking about housing and can be downloaded at https://www.togethermatters.org.uk/resources-and-information.
- Lets talk legal –This workshop aims to be a family carer guide to Power of Attorney, Deputyship and Appointeeship, the differences of each and when you might need them in covering future planning for the person you care for, considering supported living and direct payments in particular. We will also talk a little bit about family carer estate planning and Wills and Trusts – what you need to consider.Finally we will touch on The Mental Capacity Act and health and welfare issues and how you should be involved and what authority you have into adulthood.
- Let’s get on the housing register –Peabody Essex Outreach service will be talking about how to apply for housing and give an overview of their service, supporting residents across the county with a housing need. Peabody Essex Outreach Service is a free short term service, funded by Essex County Council. Supporting Essex residents to live independently in a safe and secure home. The service can not give you a house, they aim to help you navigate the pathways into finding a home. This may be via a social housing landlord or council. A private rented property or supported accommodation. Once you have a home, we know it can be difficult to budget, pay bills and sustain a tenancy. The Essex Outreach service can help you apply for grants to furnish your home. Offer budgeting support to make sure all your bills are paid and help to claim benefit entitlements. They also support residents to find volunteering opportunities, explore training and employment. The workshop will talk about these services.
- Lets talk eligibility An overview of Adult Social Care with opportunities to ask questions:-What is Adult Social Care and what do we do?
-What to expect from a Care Act Assessment?
-How can you prepare for the Assessment?
After the workshops you will hear about the accommodation hub at Essex County Council and its role. We will be rounding up the day with a Q&A panel where some of the experts attending will be answering the questions that have been raised during the event and in live time.
We really hope you will sign up to this FREE online event. Please feel free to share with others who you feel may be interested in attending.