AccessAva delivers legal information about community care to older or disabled people, their families, and carers. AccessAva is designed to take the user through their situation and identify a letter that they can send to help resolve the problem they face. AccessAva is free to use.
Essex Carers Network are trialling this chatbot as we feel it will be of great benefit to our families. Essex Carers Network do not own or maintain this chatbot but host it on behalf of Access Social Care. Using the chatbot is at your own discretion and any letters produced cannot be endorsed by Essex Carers Network. Any information, advice or guidance is from Access Social Care. If you want to talk to us about the chatbot please get in touch.
If you have not been able to find the help you need on AccessAva, you can find someone to speak to by searching for local advice services on the advicelocal website.
AccessAva uses technology to guide you through a set of questions designed to get you the right information for you. AI is used to help AccessAva categorise your question before serving you the information that best fits your need.
To read more about the chatbot from Access Social Care please see the link below:
Free legal guidance chatbot for social care (