Easy Read Guides - Health
Easy read is a way of making written information more accessible to understand, by using simple language and illustrating the information with pictures. Its aim is to help people, particularly those with learning disabilities, to access information.
This page provides information in easy read from different organisations and links to websites that have a library of easy read guides.
If you are looking for a particular easy read document and you can’t find it here please email info@essexcarersnetwork.co.uk or call 01255 554029 and we will endeavour to find it for you.
Cancer Screening for people with a learning disability
Cancer screening, as we know is something available to everyone. However for people with a learning disability there is often more to think about when the time comes. Below are some Easy Read Guides to help support families and people to have the information they need.
Bowel Cancer Screening – Easy Read Guide
Cervical Cancer Screening – Easy Read Guide
Breast Cancer Screening – Easy Read Guide
The link offers a video with people with a learning disability describing why they think screening is important.
There is also some useful information below for care providers aimed at supporting people to access screening sessions.
Promoting access to Adult screening for people with a learning disability
Easy Read information about the Learning Disability Register
This leaflet produced by the NHS helps people think about whether their child or someone they care for could be considered to have a learning disability and should be on their local GP practice’s Learning Disability Register, to help them get the help they need.
As well as helping health and care staff
offer your child reasonable adjustments,
the benefits of being on the Learning
Disability Register and for example,
having an Annual Health Check, means
that your child is more likely to get timely
and targeted additional support to help
them stay healthy. Your child may already
be seeing other health professionals.
Seeing your GP is also important.
To visit the NHS website for more information click this link:
Online Information Pack - DNACPR (
NEW for 2024 this pack with videos, easy read and a printable version talks about DNACPR.
Learning Disability England and Turning Point have published a free, interactive, online information pack about DNACPR (Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) recommendations. The information pack is for people who have a learning disability, people who work in healthcare, or provide support to people with learning disabilities. Turning Point and Learning Disability England worked with self-advocates, family members, support workers and experts to create the pack which includes: a checklist on what the doctor should tell you, video clips of people who have successfully challenged inappropriate DNACPRs and a poster with some ‘Top Tips’ on DNACPR from people with lived experience that can be printed out. The information pack is available here: https://mytp.me/dnacpr-info
If you have any feedback about the resource please email info@turning-point.co.uk
An invite to your Annual Health Check
Everyone with a learning disability over the age of 14years is entitled to an Annual Health Check with their GP. This booklet produced by NHS and Ace Anglia shows what an easy read Annual Health Check invitation includes. You can request an easy read invitation and other easy read leaflets from your GP.